July Meeting
The next meeting for the council will be on Wednesday July 17th at Howsham Village Hall at 7.15pm. There will also be a Personnel Committee Meeting at 8.15, or as soon as possible after the main meeting. You can find agendas for these meetings here.
If you would like to be a councillor, there is one seat left, or wish to participate in anyway, please contact the Clerk on clerk@cadneycumhowsham.org.uk
Youth Talks
The council is very keen to talk to the younger people of the Parish and would like to have an informal chat with anyone who is interested to see how we can better serve the young people of the Parish, find out what their concerns are and develop programmes and services that match their needs. If you would be interested, or know a young person that would like to contribute, please contact The Clerk through clerk@cadneyumhowsham.org.uk or 07971920551.
Social Events
The Parish Council would like to organise some events to help include some who would like to make some connections within the community. As such they need your help as to what events you would find interesting, such as lunches, coffee mornings, and quiz nights or anything else you would like to attend! Please let the Clerk know what you think through clerk@cadneyumhowsham.org.uk or 07971920551.
Fly Tipping
Sadly there have been many cases of fly tipping being reported in the Cadney Bridge Area of the Parish and we thought it was time to raise your awareness once again. The council reports cases to North Lincolnshire Council who we work with on prevention and trying to prosecute individuals. If you see a case of fly tipping please report it to North Lincs Council https://www.northlincs.gov.uk/planning-and-environment/fly-tipping-and-abandoned-vehicles/
If you see any fly tipping please leave rubbish undisturbed so council officers can take pictures and gather evidence as well as for your own safety. We would like to keep Cadney cum Howsham a clean and safe place to live.
Neighbourhood Watch
The community in Cadney are working on building a Neighbourhood Watch scheme. If Howsham residents would like to participate and build their own neighbourhood watch team, please let the Clerk know via email clerk@cadneycumhowsham.org.uk and he will collect names to see if this is a viable project.
Contact the Clerk on: clerk@cadneycumhowsham.org.uk.